So you've been wandering the web for a while now, and you're ready to
start contributing to the great flow of information on the Internet. Where
do you start? How do you begin? Providing information on the World
Wide Web has two parts: writing the World Wide Web documents and
finding a World Wide Web server (such as Netsite) that will
distribute them.
If you're wondering about the extentions to HTML that Netscape
supports, you can read about them, too.
Once you've written your HTML, you'll also want to learn about more
advanced topics like forms, GIF, JPEG images, and a host of other
topics every World Wide Web author should know. Check out:
Published by GNN (Global Network Navigator), this directory is
also full of topics on publishing on the web, and includes information
on mailing lists and newsgroups.
If using a plain text editor and writing in HTML is too awful for
you, there are a number of HTML editors on Mac,
Windows, and X. Some use programs like Emacs, Microsoft Word,
and Frame Maker to generate HTML. Others stand on their own as HTML
editors. This site will help you find them.