Netscape Handbook: Answers to Tough Questions Answers to tough questions
    Netscape Handbook: Table of Contents
  1. Preferences
  2. Mail and Proxies
  3. Helper applications


Can you summarize all the preference options?

When you select Preferences from the Option menu, a dialog box appears with controls for many operational facets of Netscape. A pop-menu in the dialog box lets you select one of the following sets of preference controls:

Mail and Proxies

What does each part of an Internet address such as "" mean?

The first part, yourName, identifies a user. The @ symbol (pronounced "at") separates the user name from the location of the mail server. The last part,, identifies the location of the mail server. Addresses use lowercase letters without any spaces.

The name of a location contains at least a string and, typically, a three-letter suffix, set apart by a dot (the period symbol is pronounced "dot"). The name of a location might require several subparts to identify the server (a host name and zero or more subdomains), each separated by dots . The three-letter suffix in the location name helps identify the kind of organization operating the server. (Some locations use a two-letter geographical suffix.) Here are the common suffixes and organizational affiliation:

.com (commercial)
.edu (educational)
.gov (government)
.mil (military)
.net (networking)
.org (noncommercial)

Helper applications

What do I need to know about helper applications and MIME types?

To examine or modify the mapping of file formats (MIME types) to helper applications:

  1. Choose Preferences from the Options menu.
  2. Choose the Helper Applications submenu item from the pop-up menu in the Preferences dialog box.

HTTP (HyperText Transport Protocol) servers use HTML formatting. Netscape software has the built-in capability to read HTML formatted pages (as well as some common graphic file formats such as gif and jpeg). Other protocols use formats that Netscape can interpret only with the help of external helper applications. In order for Netscape to accommodate the file formats requiring helper applications, Netscape keeps a mapping of file formats to helper applications.

MIME (Multipurpose Internet Mail Extensions) is a standardized method for organizing divergent file formats. The method organizes file formats according to the file's MIME type. When Netscape software retrieves a file from a server, the server provides the MIME type of the file. Netscape uses the MIME type to establish whether the file format can be read by the software's built-in capabilities or, if not, whether a suitable helper application is available to read the file.

For servers that do not provide a MIME type with a file, Netscape interprets the file's extension (a suffix appended to a file name). For example, the .html extension in the file name Mosaic.html suggests a file in the HTML format. Likewise, a .zip extension suggests a file compressed with the Zipper application, an .rtf extension suggests a file in the Rich Text Format, and so on. You can view and configure the mapping of all MIME types to helper applications by choosing the Helper Applications submenu item within the Preference dialog box.

Netscape Handbook: Table of Contents
Copyright © 1994 Mosaic Communications Corporation.