Netscape Handbook: Essentials Essentials
    Netscape Handbook: Table of Contents
  1. This handbook
  2. Before you begin
  3. Each Netscape page
  4. A starting point

This handbook

You're going to use Netscape software to bring pages of the Internet to your computer screen. With a few essentials you can begin exploring long before you finish reading this handbook. A separate booklet called Netscape Setup gives you platform-specific instructions for configuring your hardware, software, and network connections. This handbook assumes you have a computer system capable of running the Netscape application.

contains information to give you a quick start with the Netscape software.
Heartwarming introduction
is like nothing you've ever read in a product manual. It's conversations with my family, the Kafka family. Those of you new to Netscape and the Internet might find you'll acquire what you most need to know in the least daunting of manners.
Learn Netscape
presents the prominent topics of Netscape operation in short, tutorial style. Some topics may interest you immediately; others you may want to consult only after you've used the software and desire more instruction.
Graphical elements
is a general reference to the Netscape application organized by what you see on the screen. You can ascertain basic operations without being distracted by a preponderance of details.
Menu items
is a specific reference to each feature of the Netscape application obtained through the menu bar. One by one, you'll find each menu selection explained, and in doing so, you'll methodically uncover virtually every feature the application offers.
Answers to tough questions
delivers the information most Internet users ultimately want to know. Here, the topics range from "tips and tricks" to "customizations" to "what on the good earth is this for?"

With all due respect to the encyclopedic tomes and well-intentioned (drop-dead dull) glossaries that try to wordsmith away the complexities of the Internet, every effort has been made to keep this handbook thin and useful with eye-opening, foot-stomping logic. It seems only appropriate that Netscape, the Internet's breakthrough application, present you with a break: a manual for you, for my Ma and Pa, my sister, brother, daughter, son, and significant someone. Netscape Handbook is yours.

Before you begin

Some of you are reading this handbook on printed paper; others are reading online using Netscape software (and no, no thought was given to calling the online version an eyebook). If you are reading this cover-to-cover for the first time, you might prefer the familiarity and portability of paper. Later, when you want to look-up a particular feature while sitting at your computer, you're likely to more rapidly pinpoint the text you need by clicking your mouse on online pages.

If you are reading online, you've already accomplished the most challenging aspect of the Internet: connecting. Netscape software makes everything else a veritable breeze (that is, a piece of cake, a walk in the woods, a can of corn).

For those who need help getting online, read the Netscape Setup booklet for:

In this handbook you'll see how Netscape brings you more of the Internet with less of the complexity. The cryptic acronyms and jargon haven't been banished entirely, yet you can go a long way toward enjoying the features of:

Each Netscape page

Each Netscape page gives you opportunities to point and click your way to other pages of information on the Internet.

A starting point

This handbook demonstrates many of the navigational and customization tools provided by Netscape software to make your exploration of the Internet productive and efficient. Here are some examples of what you can do:

The home page is a file that can serve as your starting point for bringing all other pages to your screen. You can start bringing pages of the network to you by clicking on any highlighted words (colored and/or underlined) or highlighted graphics (images with colored borders) in the content area of a page. Highlighted words and graphics are links to other Internet pages. Many of the buttons in the button bars and items in the menu bar are also links to Internet pages. For example, pressing the Back button in the toolbar or choosing the Back menu item from the Go menu links you to (brings) the previous page.

Try moving back and forth between two pages:

  1. Click on any highlighted words to bring a new page to your screen (but read step 2 before you do so).
  2. Click on the toolbar's Back button (its picture is a left arrow) or select Back from the Go menu to bring back the previous page containing the original link you clicked on.
  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 and notice changes in the Location: field (showing the network location of the page on screen), the Netscape symbol status indicator (animated when a transfer is in progress), the status message field at the bottom left of the screen (showing the network location of a page you can bring or the completion status of a transfer), and the progress bar at the bottom right of the screen (illustrating the progress of a transfer). Netscape Handbook: Table of Contents
    Copyright © 1994 Mosaic Communications Corporation.